I'd originally set my alarm clock to 5:40 am since I hadn't showered in the evening like I prefer to, only to wake up at 6 am anyways. I was kinda tired, especially considering the fact that I was on the phone until 2am. @_@ With guess who? It's just easy to talk to him. And stuff. So yah, I got up, showered, dressed, all that jazz. I don't think I'll ever manage to wake up early enough in the morning to make myself eat breakfast, so that's out of the mix. I will survive. Or maybe not considering the drastic lunch meal changes... But that's later... I am SERIOUSLY so scatter-brained. I cannot focus on one subject. These sentences are proving that notion.
So then we all (the rest of my roomies) go to the bus stop, only to find that the schedule has been shifted up by 4 mins. RANTOMANIA!!! First off, I REALLY and TRULY do not like our bus driver. He literally barks at you if you make the smallest of mistakes. I tried to explain to him that last year, our schedule said the bus was to arrive at 6:50 and that it was a silly mistake that we were four minutes late. He just wouldn't shut up about it after that. I also hate our bus route because we seriously could be getting up 10 minutes later since the bus driver passes our bus stop again. But no, for some reason we must suffer. I want to have that worked out because it really is dumb. End rant.
I head into school and I already start to get nervous. So many ne faces! But I already know I'm going to be alot more agressive this year. I was sitting between two boys and one of them swapped my textbook for his decapitated one against my will so I switched that with his buddy's. In the past, I would have never even considered doing that without saying something first. OMG FOCUS... So then I run around and bump into Andii. We didn't want to be bombarded by the "goth/punk/screwed-up/weird" bunch, so we got a new window spot. I'm going to miss the old one though, along with the people that have left us...
Ow...My left hand is seriously starting to cramp up thanks to this keyboard... So then we went to first block. (Btw, a block scheduled system as opposed to a period scheduled system uses a four course semester set-up. So I have four classes for the first semester and my other four later for the second, instead of eight the entire year. Sure, the classes are lengthier, but I think it helps to reestablish my enthusiasm for school. When the second semester starts up, I feel like school is starting fresh again, like I'm beginning anew. Ahem, done.) We have this guy Dr. Templeton. He's really cool. Weird, but cool. And supposedly, easy. But colleges won't know that with the AP label on his course.
Second block I have statistics. Math. Sucks. It's a waste of my time. But if it looks good, I supposed I'll keep on chuggin' along. Third block I had Fine Arts Portfolio. Whoopty doo, art right? WRONG. I hate doing still lifes, landscapes, paintings, etc., all the overly complicated stuff. I do admire the artists who possess the skills in those fields, but I'm not one of them. I like doodling, cartooning. It's quick, and as for digital media, there's no mess! So stuff... I've lost my train of thought because I had to go get school supplies and do my chore. Ok now. So then after being uber excited because of the fact that I had lunch with my bestest buds for both semesters, I saw my guidance counselor and my schedule was completely changed. I had to stuff in a PE course because there wasn't a way to waive it and I needed it to graduate, and my counselor insisted that I add another AP course. Unfortunately, it's history related so...ugh. Rip-roarin-ready for the challenge. I'm so not gonna make it to the big three.
So yea, fourth block was also kinda dull. Physics, which was moved up to honors. And we already know how I absolutely adore math, so yea... More fun fun. I believe I can get through it though. The teacher's supposed to be farely good and in 7th grade, when I was first exposed to Physics, I actually took a liking to it over the other sciences. I remember my teacher exactly, Mr. Khanfri. He was a foreigner, and sometimes his accent screwed things up for me, but that was part of what made the class interesting. I remember when he introduced balancing equations and no one had any clue what they were doing. I however, was one of the few of us that actually tried. And I didn't ask for help either. I rarely do in terms of homework now that I think about it... But anyway, after my effort, I actually managed to get some of the problems right. I remember being extremely proud of the red marks on my paper. No one else really handed in a paper to be marked. So yea, I'll get through this class. College applications are another story...
So then I came home, had some chinese food. It was cheery. Someone special called just before study hall, which I have to go through at least for this marking period. And then, I will be free to take advantage of my seniorness. Yea... After study hall (which was DAZZLINGLY entertaining ¬_¬), someone special called again. And we blabbed some more. Not too late this time, because Kathleen was getting phone calls too. So yea... I'm...done.