Yep, I'm gonna miss the date. Oh wells, no biggie. I didn't work on it at all today because I was dead tired. Tomorrow is another day.
I slept from 2:30 until 6:15. I love being able to sleep, though I feel horrible when I think how much of my life is wasted. The average person spends approximately 24 years of their life sleeping. Lovely. I wonder if missing gym today had anything to do with my lower energy levels. I'm pretty sure I get the same amount of sleep every night, so that was the only thing missing today. I was seriously about to drop off in Physics, especially with the pendulums and all. Stuff.
So with sleeping the day away, nothing particularly exciting happened. Another cursed house meeting destroyed my opportunities for the phonecall and then I had a mountain of dishes to manage. Fun fun. Yep... That will be all.