Today. You know, these days I'm beginning to realize that it's not so much school that I hate, but the college process which is bringing alot of stress to the table. There are other factors, but that is the most prevalent. Still, even that is starting to look up. The head resident director (from this point on to be reffered to as RD1 - she has my birthday btw) gave me advice today and it really...helped. But I need someone to give me that extra shove, to be like ASIA, SIT YO' ASS DOWN AN' DO DIS. Your mother (or both parents if you will) will always be the best nag of all time. All these other people can TRY, but to no avail. I like that word. I think I've used it at least four times now. Peers can be pretty motivating as well. Only, it's often in the wrong direction that they tend to tug. MOO COW.
I think my grades are being kind of shifty. There is just too much math (and crappy electives) in my life. Speaking of my elective, Team Sports, for the past week we have been running a lap around the school instead of three minutes around the crowded gym or in the cardio room. It's not so bad in the cool air, but I never did like running. So I WAS A FOLLOWER TODAY and followed all but one of my classmates (Damn Japanese! XD That will be the first and last time I ever say that. I'm obsessed with Asian folk.) into the school, cutting the route. It was far from an ingenious plan. So he had us walk over to the track (at the middle school) and run a lap around that. That wasn't so bad. I barely made it, though. Around the school has negative slopes, so that helps to ease things a bit. And after that, FLOOR HOCKEY!!! That and badminton are really the only things I enjoy about gym class. I'd add volleyball, but I'm not that great at it - great meaning possessing the inability to get conked in the head / be motivated to just stand there. For floor hockey, I actually PAY ATTENTION and PLAY. YATTA. The other half of class we played basketball. I hate it. You have to be all up against sweaty people. Which isn't so horrible in OTHER situations, for whatever reason. Peculiar.
There was alot more I had to write. But there are too many things on my mind, like the need to sleep (which won't come easily because of certain people and events worrying me like crazy) etc. So, I close this and wish you a good night.