YAY. No school tomorrow. But I absolutely MUST use it towards college stuff. And maybe a little towards the hurricane aftermath that is my room. But yeh. A LEETLE. I went to sleep eightish today and woke up to write this. And what am I writing about? Hmm... Well, today was a weirdish day. It was fast and slow at the same time. And then like a moron, I forgot to tell the yearbook lady that I wanted to attempt to design a cover. THAT would make my year, especially since I have somehow managed to be completely shoved out of the editing group. Bastards. But then I'm not making much of an effort to push for a spot, am I? But really, I would love to run around in a yearbook tee at the end of the year and miss class to help organize for the assembly. Because that's all it's ever about as a second semester senior - finding as many opportunites as possible to be out of school. Really, by then you're in college for the most part, so you shouldn't have to kill yourself over school work. Most teachers are good with that. OMFG. I FORGOT AGAIN. Note to self - EMAIL DR. TEMPLETON PAPER. Slackage. How dare I ask him for a recommendation?! I could send it now but... 1 AM. NO. I MUST find something to write about for the Panther Press. I cannot leave this high school and not be published in my own newspaper (Jabberwocky would be nice too). Especially if I claim to love to write. I would need proof.
And now I'm out of things to say. Except maybe, call me. I'll be available ALL day long. Ish. Tata.