First off, thank you Kafu, for always coming through. As much as I complain, it's not that difficult to please me. Actually, I take that back. It's a matter of circumstances. But anyway, thank you for making me feel better. Words can hardly express how much I appreciate you. <3
Egh. The minuses of a blog - not everything going on through your head will make the same sort of sense to someone else. A couple of mistakes with sentence structure, grammar, the works, and you've created an entirely different situation. But I'm not going to rant about that. I might just throw myself into another pitfall. NO I'm not hiding anything, dammit. Most of what's in that center paragraph I've told you before. And going back to the first sentence of that practice, I felt that maybe I'd been lying to myself about the fact that I didn't need other people for company. Is my writing that... confusing? And you should never feel bad about my insecurities. They're something that in the end I have to get rid of myself. Anyway, it'd be a waste of time trying to explain that here, especially since we'll probably wind up talking about it.
So... ya! Straight from school, I went to Andrea's house. Sure, I could have been doing a little more brushing up for the SAT II Writing tomorrow, but studying only goes so far. Besides, I've been doing things consistently this week. The brain does need a break every once in a while. Yea. So we watched Edward Scissorhands. Winona is so pretty in that movie. And Johnny, however freaky he may appear, is also pretty. There is a difference between pretty, cute, and handsome, by the way. And no, I'm not the type to obsess over celebs. I really don't do the hanging dudes on my wall thing either. It's kinda creepy to have a bunch of strangers staring at you in the darkness. At least I think so. Yea. So then after a few games of air hockey (OBSESSED), there was a bit of drama. I hate being asked for input because honestly, I think it would have been an entirely different situation in my case. But oh well, if it helps to console my best bud, I'm all ears... and stuff.
The L-bomb again and again and again. It doesn't make me feel so odd anymore. Fact is, I'm slowly starting to get used to it. And in time, as Kathleen reminds me, I'll be able to say it just the same, as if it were as natural as my name. Well, test tomorrow. G'nite.