Sunday, February 13, 2005


I almost did it. I almost ordered the domain and space from KMK. I was going to just order the domain and get free space from Rocksta, but my patience is pretty short. The layout is pretty much done (just gotta code it) and I want it to be up before February 14th gets too far away. You'll see why when you see it.

I didn't hang up on you. I was talking and there was silence for like two minutes, so I handed the phone over to Shawnelle. The damn fool is cheating with the phone again. Apparently not with me though 'cause she knows I'd bust her a new one if she took it that far. Gotta fix that though. She's ridiculous with the phone.

Wednesday my school is having "Monochrome Day." I suggested that, actually. Feels good to have some power in student government. I hope people will actually do it, though. It'd be especially cool if people dressed in exotic colors. For whatever reason, I have a lot of white. Trouble is, this time of month and the color white are not good friends, if you know what I mean. I don't really want to wear all black, though. Actually... It depends on my hair. I would love to wear black eyeliner. I like the way it brings out my eyes. It's kind of difficult for me to apply eye makeup, though, because my eyes are really sensitive and I can't have something that close to my eyeball. I have all red, but I've done that before. Oh well. I'll find out when I get there.

I was supposed to go to Chinatown today to celebrate the Chinese New Year with the Int'l Club in my school, but I woke up too late to check the time we were supposed to be at the school. I guess deep down I didn't really want to go, though. It'd remind me too much of my buddy, probably your favorite person in the whole wide world. You know, it still bothers me that you felt the need to bring him up and couldn't tell me why you did so. I really was kind of offended when that happened. But anyway...

For whatever reason, I feel like shopping. Not here though, in New York. There's, like, nothing here, and it's harder to find bargains considering it's not easy to travel around this place. I don't know. I guess I need more springy stuff. I'm pretty sure most of my clothing is wintry and dull. I just don't care about fashion. I hardly ever care what I look like, either. The occasions when I do are VERY, VERY, rare, and often reserved to the smaller pictured, i.e., my hair, which is very fraile at the moment. I'm supposed to be going with Kelly to the Salon on Wednesday, I think, but I don't know how much sense that makes considering the fact that I want to go home. I don't really want to put the burden on my mom, though, and having to rely on her would mean I'd have to wait on her time to have my time and bleh. I need to call her. I would like my hair braided, though. It hasn't been done in a while and the last job was poor. Should have gone to Big Sis. Now I know. She probably needs the money more anyways, even though she wasn't asking for any.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I really don't like the holiday. As put well by a fellow Deviant Art member, you shouldn't need a day to tell someone, "I love you." Every waking moment you spend with that special someone should make them feel like they are special. I feel the holiday has lost sight of what it was created for. But then again, it is a Hallmark holiday. I don't know, I don't care. Happy Valentine's Day anyway. And remember, even if you're single, don't let the day depress you. Love for self is above all the most important thing. As Lucille Ball said, "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line." I actually like it better said as, "Love yourself first and others will follow," because I don't know much about "everything else." Notice how it's the confident people that go far. I don't mean be cocky, but at least have some self esteem. After all, how can you expect yourself to love another if you don't come to terms with the very first person you wake up to every day? I mean that on a conscious level, btw. You're obviously not going to be lying (laying?) next to yourself.

Well, it's about that time again. I napped at my host family's today, but still. I don't know how much time that was and I doubt it was enough. Finally the exterminator came by, so there are no squirrels scratching on the inside of my ceiling in the middle of the night. Sometimes, if I'm listening hard enough, I can hear the little kitties running around upstairs. I really ought to pay more attention to them. A companion is probably a good way to cheer one up, too. Not that I need that, for now. At this moment, I'm good. Could be the icecream. Good night!