Tuesday, February 8, 2005

The Gemini Kinda Sucks

So the newbie tutor, Autumn, knows all kinds of astrological crap, and she has this book, Sex Signs by some woman named Judith Bennet. Yea, so I'm also interested in Astrology so I'm reading through this book and looking through the past entry, damn near everything is true. Alot of the things I expressed in the past entry and even ones older than that (i.e. the fear of intimacy, enjoying the chase, bleh, bleh)were all in that book. Why is it that a book like that can tell us almost any and everything about ourselves? Are we doomed to fit these molds?

It's fascinating, really, kind of scary. I know not every one believes this stuff, but it's interesting that it holds true for many people. I think I'm going to have to copy the pages out of the book, for personal reference. It's good stuff.

All right, bed time. Let's hope that miraculously, I remember how to conjugate irregular spanish infinitives, 'kay?

Although she inwardly craves intimacy, the thought of it often stifles and suffocates her. She'll play at it, but don't expect "heaviness" from her. Of course I'm never going to have children, let alone settle down. EGH. I AM DOOMED.

...Why is it that teens date anyway?