Sunday, April 24, 2005


This weekend was absolutely fantastic. It's not like I really did anything super special, but it was just lots of fun. On Friday, Andrea was away on a trip with HI-Q, so Halo 2 Night didn't start at its usual time. I was BORED out of my wits and ran to phone the second I sensed the phone was for me. It was weird. I just knew the call was mine. Do you believe that children and mothers, lovers, and best friends share mental bonds?

So anyway she invited me over and I fled to her house. [Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani... that shit is bananas! XD] For some reason I don't remember much about Friday night... Euphoria tends to do really weird things with my memory. I'm trying to think... All that's coming to me is that Diego and Hua were running around outside. Oh wait... that was last weekend. But anyway, they started this whole competition between each other where they'd see who'd enter Andrea's house first, so they haven't been in her house together in a while. It was just a regular night I guess. Hmm... Some things are starting to come back a bit. So I remember we were eating pizza and watching parts of the Cirque du Soliel marathon on Bravo. That is SO amazing. Diego was eating pizza in the corner, and I told him he gained sexy points for being bilingual. He blushed. It was funny. And... that's all I remember of that night.

And then I left, knowing I had to wake up to another day with my friends. That is the best feeling in the world. I was glad to wake up early for once. I often waste so much of my weekend sleeping. It's kind of depressing. I really want to get out of that habit. So then I left the house about 10:30 and hopped into Diego's car, after delay. You know us girls - never on time.

So Andrea, Diego, and I drove to the WaWa (WTF) in Wallingford to meet Sunny so we could follow him to Chinatown. Sunny was driving Shingo and Hua. I was in the cool car. XP So we get onto the highway and Diego... he has this problem with speeding. We hear sirens behind us. We're a little confused at first, but we eventually pull over. SHIT. It is us the Police were after. Note that this was my first time being in a car that was pulled over, particularly on the highway. I wasn't so much scared as I was amused. First the guy asks Diego, "Do you know how fast you were going?" Calmly, Diego responded, "No, Sir, I don't." [Calm under pressure - sexy. XD] Gesturing with his head towards his car, the officer says, "Come with me. I'll show you." Diego was driving at 67.2 miles per hour AND was apparently driving too close to Sunny. The cop brings Diego back to the car and checks our seatbelts. I guess that was either luck or mistrust in my friend's driving skills, because I usually don't wear my seatbelt unless I'm told to. The policeman then commented on Diego's radar thingit. The cop pretty much laughed at him for having it because we already had done so much wrong and the cop was using a tracking device instead of radar to detect speed. He let us fly the coop, though. It was nice of him. But what I found annoying is that right as he stopped us, a red car flashed by. Buh.

When we finally got to Chinatown, we stopped at a Chinese supermarket. As we entered the store, I'd point out every Chinese Gangsta I could. "Hey Sunny, there's ya homie. Holla at ya boy!" I'd say. Andrea thought it was rude, or funny, or something. When all the shoppers recognized that a bunch of teens were entering the store, all eyes were on us. Oh wait... They were on me, actually. I suppose it's because I'm black. They were probably like, "WTF is she doing in here?" It was both amusing and upsetting. I adore you people! Why would you ever think I'd ever do you wrong? Look at my friends, they're Asian too! XD That was great. Andrea splurged and bought all of this random candy, most of which was Japanese. Pocky isn't as bad as I'd thought.

After that we went to a restaurant across the street from the supermarket and had this wondeful soup with noodles and... meat. I didn't realize that it had cilantro until I was halfway through. I HATE cilantro, but the soup did a good job of having me not notice it. It wasn't until I noticed it that it became very noticeable. Shingo was trying to show me how to eat with chopsticks. I was such a failure, so Sunny kept suggesting a fork. I refused to give up, though. I ate almost all of it, but I think my appetite has lowered. I haven't been eating enough lately, to the point where I get hunger pains during class. They hurt a helluva lot. I know it's not my little friend because when they began, it was too early in the month. Plus they feel very differently and aren't accompanied by the dinosaur in my stomach. Anyway... XD

So after we ate we went into the heart of Chinatown (in Sunny's car this time) and wandered around into bakeries and a bookstore. Diego ate a piece of a pastry off the ground. CHINATOWN, PHILLY GROUND. That was fucking disgusting. But he'll live. Chinese ground is probably cleaner than elsewhere in the city. So after all that, we left for Andrea's house. We played some Timesplitters, got MORE Wingers, played some Halo, and then went outside to play baseball in the drizzle. That is, if you call hitting a whiffle ball with a stick and running around a field the length of a body lying on the grass baseball. It was fun, and I didn't suck. I tried to pull Diego into the house, but I broke a nail and was distracted as he slid down the stairs. CRY AGONY! Andrea at some point tried to close all the people outside from out of the house and I was pushing against the door trying to get back in. She abruptly let the door go and I fell backwards into the house, in what felt like slow motion. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt except for my elbow. I knocked her down too, like a domino effect. In short, we busted our asses. We all eventually went inside again and played Scrabble and other random things. I never tell these stories in order, by the way. I don't ever remember things either. It works out in the end, though.

I love my friends so much. I really am going to miss them all. A good number of them will be in the area, as will I, come college, but Andrea... she is the glue to this group it seems. A lot of this weekend she and I were pretending that either Diego or Shingo was our best friend and not each other. I sat down and thought about how'd it be if that were real. I'd never know what it meant to have a best friend if that had happened. I really am going to miss her quite a bit. ;_;

Today was kind of fun too. We (ABC) went to Bob's studio. It wasn't as fun as it was in the past, and I can't sing, regardless of if people try to convince me of otherwise. I was going to try, but I just was out of it. This weekend I ate A LOT. Today I had half of a HUGE hero (err...hoagie), and then later we went to Red Lobster. Mmm... seafood.

It's over. But this weekend was just awesome. I'm so happy... I could cry.