Someone missed the 2,000. Why do I even bother? NO ONE CARES! I guess I'll save it for deviantART or something. I did do some fixing of the site. Somehow, after screwing around with the css, managed to get rid of the double scrollbars, which I'm sure were pretty annoying. Yet, I couldn't tell you how I didn't because it was a bit of a mistake. So yea. I added the site page which I'd assumed was already here, but obviously not. Hmm...I may need to add anchors to push to the top now...
School...bleh. I have to take SATs again way too soon. I feel so unprepared... October starts on the 1st! Twenty-four days until homecoming...WOOT. School is so boring these days. Suprisingly, sometimes I look forward to gym. Depends on what we play and how often I'm actually ACTIVE during the games. I've been going to lunch all this week, but not with the girl who'd invited me. I wonder if she'd be insulted if she found out I was at lunch? Doesn't matter. I'm sitting with the Korean and Japanese exchange students and another girl, American of course, who freaks me out a little. Before, when I first forced myself to speak to the Korean girl and Japanese girl, I thought I wouldn't be able to make friends with them. But then sometime last week I just sat with them and reintroduced myself, and we've been cool ever since. They're nice. She thinks my poofy hair is cool, cute. WOW. I still miss my old buddy though. It's so odd to walk up to the fourth floor and to not see the old bunch breakdancing up there. Meh.
Some things I find myself still clinging to, though I really have no business to, and it really wouldn't do me any good. Like the old crusheroo. I don't really feel anything for him anymore, can't. It's just odd because now someone I know is with him and...that never was the case. I feel like I might have looked like I was glaring at them today. But truth of the matter is, it was kinda sunny and what reason would I have to glare?! I have my darling! I feel like writing names. And yet, it'd feel wrong. I IT happening? Or is it just inane (SAT WORD!) teen lust? *shrugs* I feel sooo happy. Like I did before. Yay.
Uhm...there was more to write, but my brain is filled to the brim with...thoughts that don't belong there...and the high is starting to wear off. I'm tired. Even though I took a nap today. Bedtime! G'nite.