Nothing. Perhaps I should work on my site after school instead of sleeping. But 1am phone calls do tend to wear you down... XD Don't worry. It's too cold and uncomfortable in my school to fall asleep during classes.
Nothing special about today. Suprise, surprise. Uhm... Yea. I really can't think of anything that stuck out today. Oh. Yea. That thing. Well, I'm still involved with Partnership in my school. As always, it hasn't been a very diverse club, even though those who make up the diversity in the school are the main attendees. Meaning the club is flooded with the black kids of my school. I find it very awkward to be around them, which is kinda sad, but they just act so foolishly sometimes. It's like...they have this wonderful school available to them, and they really don't make that much of an effort to take advantage of that. But...whatever floats your boat. You would think we ABC girls might be an inspiration to them, but instead, most of the time, we are treated like a threat. Most of us anyways. I dunno. Maybe that's just because of my cautious nature. They have been known as an untrustworthy group, which is sad but true. We've had so many occasions with other girls talking and plotting behind our backs. And that would be why I have avoided that whole social group altogether. But it's ok. I'm quite content with the small group of friends I have. I was nominated to be Secretary for the club. Big whoop. Still, I'm supposed to be the President of another club and I really haven't a clue what to make of it. It was meant to be a club to promote acceptance of diversity, but really, there is already a club of that type. At first I was thinking of merging with the other diversity club, SEED. But when I talked to the potential Vice President, she was very opposed to that, and said that merging the club would destroy a tradition. Whatever. That's just something else I hope to make sense of soon.
Uhm...I will be inducted into the National Honor Society on Wednesday. Yay, something to feel smart about. One more week until SATs. I am so psyched. Yes, I am being sarcastic. Twenty-three days until homecoming! THAT I really can't wait for. It's driving me crazy waiting all that time and it makes it even worse when phone calls are missed. ¬_¬ Sheesh. It was never a promise, but I'm still disappointed. EH. Damn curfew. Good night!