Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Day # 44

Well... the next layout seems to be headed in yet ANOTHER direction. I can't seem to make up my mind. As long as I have it by Decemeber, that'll be nice. And... you care.

Linkin Park and Jay-Z. Weird combination, right? But it's real. Tomorrow at 10:30, they have some mash-up kinda show running. I think that's really interesting. Links: MTV | Official Site. Unfortunately, I have neither Real Player nor the newest version of Flash so... I have to wait. Boo hoo. Hopefully I'll get to tape it. Hopefully it'll fit on the end of the Linkin Park Makes a Video: Breaking the Habit. If not, big deal. They'll rerun it at some point. They always do. Somehow the mash-up is kind of pleasing. It's like a sign of people starting to ignore their differences. Maybe. But then again, how much of a role does money play? And... I'm done.

As I said, school is pretty much the same thing. And I really need to settle down and start my apps. December is right there, staring me in the face. And here I am with all but one of my college info sheets done - no essays. Two people asked me where I was applying today and I kinda just gave them this look and that was the end of it. That could be why my friends have stayed to such a tiny number. Because of my attitude. Oh well. When that tiny number starts to actually bother me, maybe then I'll change. Besides, I think it's better to have a small group of friends you're absolutely sure will have your back in the end than a whole squad that you barely know much about except that you hang out together.

Today after school I went to Andrea's house. She wasn't there. I knew perfectly well where she was and guessed that I'd probably be welcome to have gone over there, but I felt like it wouldn't have been very comfortable on my part. So then I walked home. It was freezing. But there was something rewarding about my little walk. It was somewhere between 20 - 30 minutes and gave me time to think. Somehow, the negative aura I was feeling just disappeared. I came in, laid on the couch until 3 and then went upstairs to sleep. That was great. And I'm glad I thought to get rid of yesterday's entry. It was just... wrong. So yea. I feel better now. Hopefully it'll stay that way. I need my sanity to get this college stuff done. Yup. I have to talk to my guidance counselor tomorrow. About what? I dunno. I need motivation.

I get to design the Turkey Bowl T-Shirt again this year. I feel special. Two years of designing the Homecoming Ticket and designing the Turkey Bowl tee. That's great. I was once asked to help with the school website, but then I was like... no. It's almost strictly about football. SCREW football. The five a's are supposed to be the arts, academics, altruism, athletics, and activites. But to Mr. Bichner, especially when I first came here, it seemed that all he had on his mind was football, football, football, band, and football. The end. Nothing else. Now that our football team is starting to suck, it seems he isn't all that that thrilled about highlighting that. Back to the other sports I suppose. Anyway, our school was in a magazine for top high schools recently. There were so many people that I knew in the pic. It's amazing how a little bit of gloss can suddenly make people attractive. It was like these people were celebrities or something. I wonder how that felt. I would have loved to have been apart of the band. I tried out for bandfront. Twice. Needless to say, I sucked and didn't quite give it my all. Still, I think it's kinda fishy that a good chunk of the minorites are shoved into the "lower class" of the bandfront - swing flags. Yes. So many years and only one has been on Danceline, which is probably the most coveted spot on the whole band. But she doesn't really count considering her mannerisms and the shade of her skin. She blended right in very well. But hey. The band is generally a good representation of the diversity of the school. Still, it has gone up quite a bit over the years, especially considering Chester's little predicament. See, there's this rumor going around that the school was built small in order to keep kids from Chester, generally minorites, from enrolling in the school. Their reply is something like, "Oh, we wanted to keep our test scores up." Basically, the higher the scores, the more money a school receives. That's backwards. Obviously if a school has high scores, they have enough materials to properly teach their students. It's the low scoring schools the traditionally don't have the money. They should probably be receiving it. Put to good use, their scores would shoot up. It's all a conspiracy in the end to keep the rich up top. And we all know who the rich are. It's sad. But true. And I'm done babbling.

It's 12 something. I still haven't drawn the t-shirt design. Having a bit of a block. I ought to get to that, eh? Well, good night.