Sunday, January 9, 2005

The Crowned Procrastinator

I started cleaning my room the other day. My clothing is taken care of, for the most part. Still, I have random stuff that needs to go into and/or out of my desk. There's alot of crap in there that I've forgotten I even had. Moving out of this place is going to be hell.

I shouldn't be bored because there is plenty left to tidy up in my room. I shouldn't be bored because I have an essay due Wednesday for a (THICK) book I haven't even really looked at. ;_; (When did I become such a procrastinator?! SparkNotes to the rescue! X_X) I shouldn't be bored because I am well aware of what to do for my English final and he said he'd prefer to have that earlier than the day of the final. I shouldn't be bored because I'm pretty sure I have some homework to take care of. I shouldn't be bored because I have some loose ends on the financial part of the college application to mend.

WHY AM I STILL SITTING HERE?! God... senior year sucks. I'm going to go not be at the computer for a bit. Or at least TRY to be. Egh. Sloth is the deadliest sin, I swear. Toodles.