Monday, January 10, 2005

Day # 80

Wow... 100 days of school left! Whoo hoo! That actually kind of sucks, especially since I haven't taken full advantage of this situation at all. There is so much I should've done here that I haven't. But eh. No use dwelling in the past, though.

But for the moment, I must rant about events past and about a bit of the future. Ahem. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! This is so wrong! Here I am, I haven't spent a dime on you and 700 bucks plus?! No one is allowed to make that many sacrifices for me, not even if it is in the name of this deal called "love," whatever that is. I demand that you cease and desist. I will not have it, at least not by my fault. It's wrong, so very wrong! I don't deserve someone like you. I am a horrible, horrible girl. WTF is it that you want from me?! How can you dare say that I am appealing to you?! I just don't get that, among other things. I don't like to be spoiled. It makes me feel like I'm using people, and that's not the type of girl I want to be. I feel that I am indebted to you. Debt. That is a very filthy word, for payback isn't always exactly clean. Ew. Why, Noah? Why? We have to cut it down, boy. We have to cut it down. IT just isn't fair otherwise.

I'm seriously falling asleep, man. I was up until 1 last night. I can't help staying up. It's not so much that I can't sleep, but I just enjoy being up. The night is empowering somehow. I often feel like my muse, among other things, is at its peak in the wee hours of the night. Or it could be the friggin' Internet that keeps me up. If I am addicted to anything as of this moment, it is this thing. Oh, and then there are people. Whee! A Simple Plan song is in my head! Don't you justlove 'em? *cough*

My vision is blurring. That's how tired I feel. Or it could just be the fact that my glasses probably have all kinds of crap all over them. *checks* Negative. I'm tired. But I must do Statistics homework... Off.