Wednesday, February 9, 2005

All Better Now

Yay. Here are some natural highs for me. Note that none of them are in any particular order: hot and long showers, long and restful sleep, laughter, drawing, writing, COMPUTERS, and talking on the phone with you. Yay. As long as I get enough of those each day, I think I can keep this emotional rollercoaster I've been experiencing over the past few days in balance. I almost deleted the depressing entries again. But I decided not to. I probably don't share enough of myself, and maybe it'd be good for you to know how that side of me can feel. Don't take any of it to heart, though. None of it is your fault. In fact, these days, I need you. Thank you for everything, and for being you. I just wish you could be a little more of a happier person. I don't like to see you suffer. Good night, sweetie. <3